Saturday, November 30, 2019

Personal Finance, Investing and Insurance free essay sample

An informative essay about financial responsibility and becoming financially active. A personal essay about saving and financial responsibility. The author provides a framework of how to become financially active and responsible, how to save and invest and how to secure ones future. Financial security is something that all people want to obtain in their lives. There are many aspects that go into being financially secure. Many people in todays society wait until later in life to start planning for their future. My goal is to have financial security throughout my life by investing and saving at an early age. I feel that one of the worst things that you could do financially, is to get into debt at an early age. When a person is right out of college, they should not spend more money than they need to and they should pay off their college debts as soon as possible. We will write a custom essay sample on Personal Finance, Investing and Insurance or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In my opinion, it is very important for an individual to make sure that their future is financially secure.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Integrating a Drinking and Drug History into a Psychosocial Assessment essays

Integrating a Drinking and Drug History into a Psychosocial Assessment essays Health and Education Services (HES), Inc., is an agency located in Haverhill, MA. This specific agency provides a wide range of community based mental health and substance abuse assistance. As a student intern from Boston University, the therapist's primary intern responsibilities include the provision of individual and family therapy sessions. The intern has over 10 years of experience doing a wide range of social service work in the community. The client was assigned for psychosocial assessment and to provide ongoing individual therapy sessions. The initial interview was conducted in a small, private office with no windows at the community mental health center at HES. The client is a Hispanic male and the initial questionnaire regarding alcohol/drug issues indicated that he had problems with both cocaine and alcohol. The main presenting problem for the client appears to be the alcohol issues, which have cost him his job and are in danger of costing him his family as well. His wife and children will be leaving the home if the man does not get some help for his problem. However, he did not come to the agency at the request of his wife, but at the request of the court after another DUI charge and a domestic violence call from his wife, all made on the same Friday night. While this man is still young at 29, he has reached the age where his problems should have been addressed already. Since they have not, it may be more difficult to right the wrongs that are taking place, but this does not mean that it will be impossible. The questions regarding drinking and drugs that were asked of this individual were asked in the context of a court-requested evaluation of the behavior of this man in order to determine what the best mode of treatment would be to address all of the problems. Treatment strategies that are psychosocial in nature, such as cognitive behavioral, behavioral, motivational interviewing, and family therapy techn...

Friday, November 22, 2019

Qué migrantes deben comprar seguro por Obamacare

Quà © migrantes deben comprar seguro por Obamacare Actualmente, si su empleador no le brinda seguro mà ©dico ni tampoco est protegido por programas como Medicaid o Medicare puede que està © obligado a comprarse un seguro mà ©dico en cumplimiento de la ley que se conoce como Obamacare y, si no lo hace, deber pagar una multa. Obamacare, que tambià ©n se conoce como ACA, por sus siglas en inglà ©s o incluso como PPACA, tiene normas complejas. Y este artà ­culo aspira a explicar claramente quià ©n est obligado a tener seguro mà ©dico con especial mencià ³n a las diversas situaciones migratorias e, incluso, tipos de visa. Tambià ©n cules son las excepciones a esta obligacià ³n, cul es el monto de la multa si no se cumple con la ley y quià ©nes pueden comprar seguro a travà ©s del mercado que que se conoce como Marketplace y, es su caso, obtener subsidios para el pago. En este artà ­culo se explica quià ©nes NO estn obligados a comprar un seguro mà ©dico. Y como todos los dems no incluidos, sà ­ estn obligados a adquirirlo, tambià ©n se explica quià ©n puede tener ayuda econà ³mica para comprarlo y cul es la multa por no tener seguro. Quià ©nes no estn obligados a tener seguro mà ©dico   La forma ms sencilla de saber si se est obligado a tener seguro mà ©dico en Estados Unidos es determinar que no se est en uno de los grupos que pemiten no tenerlo. Y no estn requeridos por ley los siguientes: Ciudadanos y residentes permanentes legales en una de las siguientes situaciones especiales No estn obligadas aquellas personas con ingresos tan bajos que no tienen que llenar las planillas de impuestos (tax returns)Tampoco aquellas que no pueden pagarlo porque el costo del premium del seguro ms barato supera en un ocho por ciento los ingresos del hogar.Tampoco se tiene obligacià ³n si el tiempo sin seguro no excede de tres meses en el conjunto de un aà ±o.  Ni los ciudadanos que residen habitualmente en el extranjero o pasan al menos 330 dà ­as de un total de 12 meses en otro paà ­s. Estos ciudadanos pueden comprar seguros privados de corta duracià ³n cuando se encuentran en Estados Unidos si asà ­ lo desean.Tampoco estn obligados las personas que se encuentran en prisià ³n ni aquellas a las que su religià ³n se lo prohibe.Asimismo,   tampoco aplica a los nativos americanos que pueden obtener cobertura mà ©dica a travà ©s Servicio Mà ©dico Indio o los religiosos cubiertos por Health Care Sharing Ministry.Tampoco estn obligadas las personas con pocos ingresos que podrà ­an ser elegibles para Medicaid segà ºn las reglas establecidas por Obamacare, pero que viven en un estado que ha elegido no extender este beneficio. Por à ºltimo, ciertas situaciones transitorias de dureza pueden servir para calificar para no tener que comprar un seguro mà ©dico, como por ejemplo: declaracià ³n de bancarrota, haber sufrido un desastre natural como huracn o tornado, ser và ­ctima de violencia domà ©stica, estar en una situacià ³n de desamparo y no tener vivienda o, incluso, la muerte de un miembro de la familia.   Todos los ciudadanos y residentes que no estn en ninguna de esas categorà ­as citadas anteriormente deben estar cubiertos por un seguro mà ©dico. Situacià ³n de migrantes indocumentados y Obamacare Segà ºn la ley, las personas sin estatus legal en los Estados Unidos -los migrantes indocumentados- no estn obligadas a comprar un seguro mà ©dico. Ni tampoco tienen que pagar una multa por no tenerlo. Es decir, no les aplica la ley para nada, ni para lo bueno ni para lo malo.    A la hora de aplicar para comprar seguro a travà ©s de Obamacare se verifica el estatus legal del solicitante, siendo necesarios al menos 2 I.D. para acreditar ciudadanà ­a de Estados Unidos o residencia permanente legal. El sistema SAVE es una base de datos federal contra la que se verifican todos los I.D. que se presenten. Especial mencià ³n hay que hacer a los muchachos que aplicaron por la medida que se conoce como Accià ³n Diferida (DACA) y obtuvieron la aprobacià ³n. Se les considera que no estn legalmente presentes en los Estados Unidos y, como consecuencia, no estn obligados a comprar un seguro mà ©dico. Tampoco pueden beneficiarse de ninguna ayuda si deciden comprarlo. Es importante resaltar que todos los indocumentados -con DACA o sin ella- pueden comprar su propio seguro mà ©dico privadamente. Tambià ©n tienen las puertas abiertas en algunas instituciones que atienden sin fin de lucro y en los Centros de Salud Comunitarios y en los Centros de Salud Federalmente Calificados. Tambià ©n hay programas limitados como WIC, para embarazadas, lactantes, bebà ©s e infantes. Adems, algunos estados como California o Nueva York, permiten que tengan acceso a travà ©s de sus sistemas estatales a protecciones limitadas  en asuntos de salud o incluso a travà ©s de programas que aplican en condados concretos. Adems, California est viendo cà ³mo los indocumentados podrà ­an llegar   a beneficiarse de Obamacare, pero por ahora no pueden. Los indocumentados y los muchachos con DACA deben tener mucho cuidado con fiscalistas inescrupulosos que aseguran que tienen que pagar una multa por no tener seguro mà ©dico y se quedan con ese dinero. Porque, como ya se dijo ms arriba, ni tienen obligacià ³n de comprar seguro ni tienen que pagar si no lo tienen. Turistas en Estados Unidos y Obamacare Los extranjeros que se encuentran en los Estados Unidos por turismo no estn obligados a tener seguro mà ©dico. Sin embargo, es altamente recomendable que adquieran uno antes de viajar por las cifras astronà ³micas que puede alcanzar una simple consulta mà ©dica o una hospitalizacià ³n para un procedimiento sencillo debido a una urgencia. Adems, llamar la atencià ³n sobre las posibles consecuencias negativas de tener un bebà © en Estados Unidos con estatus de turista si no se paga completamente la factura de la hospitalizacià ³n. Por à ºltimo, las personas extranjeras residentes en otros paà ­ses que desean recibir tratamiento sanitario en Estados Unidos deben pagar por el mismo o mostrar un seguro mà ©dico que cubra por los gastos. Recordar que el riesgo de convertirse en una carga pà ºblica es una de las muchas causas de negacià ³n y/o cancelacià ³n de la visa americana. Visas de estudiantes y de intercambio y seguro mà ©dico Para los efectos de Obamacare, los estudiantes y participantes en programas de intercambio no son consideradas residentes legales temporales. Lo siguiente afecta a los extranjeros presentes en Estados Unidos con visas F, M, J, Q y sus dependientes.   Los estudiantes (F, M, Q) estn exentos de tener seguro mà ©dico durante los primeros cinco aà ±os de su estadà ­a en Estados Unidos. A partir de esa fecha debern iniciar trmites para que los consideren no residentes y probar fuertes lazos con su paà ­s para evitar tener la obligacià ³n de comprar seguro mà ©dico. Los titulares de visas J de intercambio, tienen una exencià ³n durante los dos primeros aà ±os de su estancia.   Obviamente, el sentido comà ºn indica que lo prudente es tener un seguro mà ©dico. Se puede comprar privadamente y, adems en el caso de los estudiantes, en muchas ocasiones se puede adquirir a travà ©s de las propias universidades. En total se estima que un total de 24 millones de personas que residen habitualmente en los Estados Unidos no tienen la obligacià ³n de tener seguro mà ©dico. Casos especiales En primer lugar, las personas menores de 26 aà ±os pueden estar incluidas en el seguro mà ©dico de cualquiera de sus padres. En segundo lugar a las personas con visas H-1 para profesionales y modelos  y L-1 de transfer entre empresas  se  les considera a estos efectos como residentes temporales y deben tener cobertura mà ©dica. Si trabajan en un lugar con ms de 50 empleados lo obtendrn por ley a travà ©s de la empresa pero si es ms pequeà ±a depender de la polà ­tica de la empresa. Si à ©sta no lo da, pueden obtenerlo a travà ©s del marketplace o comprar uno directamente con una aseguradora para sà ­ y sus dependientes (H-4).  ¿Cà ³mo se hace para obtener un seguro mà ©dico en Estados Unidos? Si no se est en ninguna de las categorà ­as mencionadas anteriormente y que dan derecho a estar exentos de la obligacià ³n de tener un seguro mà ©dico entonces hay que conseguir uno. Lo cierto es que en Estados Unidos la gran mayorà ­a de personas con esta obligacià ³n - tres de cada cinco- lo obtienen a travà ©s de las empresas para las que trabajan.  Y otro 12 por ciento resuelve la situacià ³n a travà ©s de programas pà ºblicos como Medicaid, Medicare, CHIP, el Sistema de Veteranos, u otros como COBRA (desempleados que cumplen ciertos requisitos) o TRICARE (militares). Para el resto caben dos alternativas para cumplir con la ley. Primero, contratar un seguro privado por su cuenta o, segundo, acudir a lo que se conoce como el Health Insurance Marketplace.  ¿Quà © es el Marketplace para la compra de seguro mà ©dico? El Marketplace un mercado en internet donde se da la opcià ³n de comparar y comprar el seguro mà ©dico que ms se ajuste a las necesidades del comprador. Tambià ©n se conoce en inglà ©s con el nombre de exchanges. Los seguros varà ­an enormemente segà ºn lo que se paga, las coberturas que se acuerdan, la aseguradora, el estado en el que se reside, si se elige un PPO o un HMO, etc.  ¿Quià ©nes pueden comprar seguro mà ©dico en el marketplace? Todas las personas en una de las siguientes categorà ­as que no tienen seguro mà ©dico porque no se lo da la empresa, ni estn cubiertos por asistencias pà ºblicas como Medicare, CHIP o Medicaid ni han contratado uno directamente con una aseguradora. El seguro en el marketplace se puede comprar para sà ­ mismo y para las personas dependientes, como por ejemplo los hijos menores de 26 aà ±os. Ciudadanos o nacionales de los Estados Unidos. No importa el caminio por el cul se adquirià ³ la ciudadanà ­a.Todos los   extranjeros presentes en Estados Unidos que califiquen, esto es:   Residentes permanentes legales.Extranjeros en el proceso de ajuste de estatusAsilados y refugiados. Los primeros sà ³lo si ya tienen aprobado el permiso de trabajo (EAD) o son menores de 14 aà ±os y llevan de espera en su aplicacià ³n ms de 180 dà ­as.Cubanos y haitianos que ingresaron al paà ­s por reglas especà ­ficas que aplican sà ³lo a ellos. Y cualquier persona a la que se le haya concedido un parole en una frontera (puerto, aeropuerto o paso terrestre).Las personas a las que se le concedià ³ con anterioridad a 1980 un ingreso condicional.Las personas buscando legalizacià ³n en base a maltrato y sus cà ³nyuges, hijos, padres o madres.Las và ­ctimas de trfico humano, sus cà ³nyuges, hijos solteros menores de 21 aà ±os, padres, madres y hermanos.Los migrantes que gozan de un TPS.Los extranjeros con visas temporeras de trabajo, como por ejemplo las H-1B, las H-2A y las H-2B y otros comprendidos dentro de la clasificacià ³n de residentes legales temporales, como por e jemplo, los periodistas con visa I, los religiosos con una R, los prometidos (novios) de ciudadanos americanos con una K-1, los inversores (EB-5, E-2), oficiales de gobiernos extranjeros, los estudiantes, trabajadores de la OTAN, personas con visas de intercambio J-1 o trabajadores en situacià ³n de transfer dentro de sus empresas (L-1). Por regla general, tambià ©n se incluye a sus cà ³nyuges e hijos solteros menores de 21 aà ±os.   Los extranjeros a los que se les ha concedido una suspensià ³n de la deportacià ³n (withholding of deportation/removal) o una suspensià ³n administrativa de la expulsià ³n (staying removal)Los muchachos a los que se les ha concedido el Estatus de Inmigrante Especial Juvenil.Las personas favorecidas por una orden presidencial que pospone su salida obligatoria de los Estados Unidos, lo que se conoce como DED o Deferred Enforced Departure y que en la actualidad sà ³lo aplica a ciudadanos de Liberia.Los residentes de la Samoa AmericanaLos ciudadanos de Micronesia, las islas Marshall o PalauLos miembros de una tribu nativa reconocida federalmente  Los nativos americanos (first nations) nacidos en Canad y que viven en los Estados Unidos. En el caso de familias mixtas con miembros legales y otros indocumentados, se puede aplicar para las personas que tienen estatus. No se preguntar por las circunstancias migratorias del resto. Y, si califican, los miembros legales pueden beneficiarse de subsidios.  ¿Quià ©n tiene derecho a descuentos de seguro mà ©dico a travà ©s del Marketplace? Muchas de las personas autorizadas a comprar seguro mà ©dico a travà ©s de este sistema podrà ­an tener derecho a dos clases de subsidios: Fiscales (tax subsidies), para los que ingresan menos del 400 por ciento de lo que est establecido como là ­nea de la pobreza. Esto viene a ser aproximadamente $46,000 para las personas que viven ellas solas y ms para las familias.De pago (cost-sharing), para ayudar a pagar por copagos, deducibles, primas, etc y que beneficia a las personas que ingresan en un aà ±o menos del 250 por ciento de lo que est establecido como umbral o linea de la pobreza.  ¿Cundo se puede comprar en el Marketplace? Las pequeà ±as empresas tienen el marketplace abierto sin là ­mite de fechas para incorporar a trabajadores. Adems, si se ha cambiado recientemente de estatus migratorio se podrà ­a calificar para un tiempo especial para enrolarse.  ¿Cul es el castigo por no tener seguro mà ©dico cuando se tiene obligacià ³n de tenerlo? En el 2017  el importe a pagar en concepto de multa ser la cantidad ms grande de entre estas dos: $695 dà ³lares por persona, cantidad que se ajustar segà ºn la inflacià ³n,  con un tope mximo de tres por familia, si bien el importe a pagar por un nià ±o menor de 18 aà ±os es de $347.50.el 2.5 de los ingresos de la renta imponible.  ¿Cà ³mo cobra el gobierno esa multa? Automticamente en cuando se hace el clculo de lo que toca a pagar (o a regresar) al llenar las planillas de los impuestos federales. Para cobrar el multa en su totalidad el gobierno puede incluso no regresar lo que toque a devolver por varios aà ±os, hasta que la deuda se paga completamente. Para mayor informacià ³n sobre Obamacare Se puede marcar al telà ©fono gratuito 1-800-318-2596 o consultar la pgina oficial de Cuidado de Salud del gobierno de los Estados Unidos. Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

The impact of terrorism on tourism Dissertation

The impact of terrorism on tourism - Dissertation Example However, of late the terrorism activities have gained further dominance owing to its growing linkage to the tourism industry. Wilks, Pendergast and Leggat (2006) states in this regard that it is hard to uncover the reasons which have led to the growth of terrorism and its growing linkage to tourism activities. The tourism industry has become the target point for terrorism activities in the international scale owing to the slag of security and alertness. Tourists on tour tend to be remain undeterred about the surrounding environment being lost in the fun of holidaying which becomes the target point of terrorist to easily lay their grounds upon. Wilks, Pendergast and Leggat (2006) further observe that the rate of infiltration of terrorist in tourism centers has also another potential reason other than the lack of alertness of the tourists. The functions of tourism mainly occur along the principal trade routes of any region. Thus the terrorists feel that attack on such trade and economi c routes would help in disrupting the economic activities of the region. Thus terrorist attacks on tourism helps in jeopardizing the trade and economic operations of a region making it poor. ... The linkage of terrorism operations with tourism industries can also be observed to be a potential factor that enables the terrorist outfits to gain considerable publicity. Tourist centers being largely linked with market places helps the terrorist gain wide amount of publicity having conducted a large massacre of human lives and property. It helps them reach their demands to the eyes and ears of the higher authorities. Finally, Wilks, Pendergast and Leggat (2006) state that the nature of the functions of tourism industry being so diversified and spread across international borders that it becomes difficult to trace the movement of terrorists inside hotels and tourist areas. People from various nationalities clad in different type of outfits tend to regularly visit international tourist hotspots which being not closely monitored encourages militancy actions. (Wilks, Pendergast and Leggat, 2006, pp.82, 85-86). Types of Terrorist Activities across Tourism Centers The event of terrorism linked with tourism activities in order to succeed in their goals of spreading terror and panic in the regions takes to different forms of terrorist operations. In this regard, Henderson (2007) observes that terrorist outfits generally carry out a host of terrorist activities, which aims to take many lives in order to succeed in their mission of spreading terror. Different terrorist operations are planed out by the terrorist groups, which can take place individually or in particular assortments. The different activities, which are planned by the terrorist groups, include employment of suicide bombers to counter insurgency operations. The terrorist

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Buying Versus Leasing Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Buying Versus Leasing - Assignment Example More significantly, capital budgeting is more commonly used in management planning as it gives an outlay of the long-term implication of purchasing or leasing a new car. Therefore, the main aim of the thesis of this paper is to not only evaluate the suitable choice of acquiring cars, but to also analyze the financial and non-financial factors that influence decision making. Executive Summary Investment decisions are based on economical and effective factors that make the purchase of cars more viable as compared to leasing a car. More significantly, application of capital budgeting in deciding on purchases takes into consideration the viable choice after carrying out appraisal based on the expenses related to buying and leasing and their cost respectively. As a result, capital budgeting is more commonly used in management planning as it gives an outlay of the long-term implication of purchasing or leasing a new car (Thomas & Maurice, 2011). More so, considerations should be undertaken based on the provision economic decisions based on interest rates, sources of finances, end of lease fees, loan terms, personal guarantees and operating cash while making decisions on whether to procure or lease a car as related to economical costs. Even though, leasing allows for payments within small intervals it is considerably expense as the payments accumulate over time with no long-term benefit being derived. Definition In the acquisition of new assets, there are two choices based on whether to lease or purchase. More considerably, leasing comes either as operational or capital lease depending on the terms of the contract. In capital leasing, an individual is allowed to finance the maintenance and use of the car while at the end of the agreed lease term take up ownership after undertaking a nominal buy out lease. On the other hand, operational lease allows for renting of the car, and as a result, there is no ownership entitled at the end of the contract as the lease term allo ws for monthly payments (Powell, 2009). Nonetheless, purchases allow for payments to be made at the initial purchase and ownership of the asset is transferred immediately to the buyer. Even though, the leasing of a car seem viable it involves regular payment of the leasing fee as the returns of the vehicle passes back to the initial owner, when the lease term comes to an end as compared to purchases where upon payment of the purchase price legal ownership is issued immediately to the buyer of the car. As a result, there is a significant difference in terms of payments and ownership term in the purchase and leasing of a car. More considerably, to understand about leasing agreements, it is essential to understand about the lessor as the leasing company in which they deal with leasing of cars based on rights that govern the contract (Powell, 2009). While the leaseholder, or lessee is an individual who utilize services of the leasing company through leasing of vehicles. As the lessee us es the vehicle, they make payment based on calculated monthly lease charge this payment made are considered to cover the interest that is charged by the leasing company for services offered. As a result, the leaseholder makes a choice on the type of lease to undertake. If an individual chooses capital lease, it is known as closed-ended lease because the leaseholder does not get a guarantee of

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Cultures and Traditions Essay Example for Free

Cultures and Traditions Essay She doesnt seem to be ashamed and there is no emotion in her voice. Is he dead? Of course. They are still trying to make light of a bad situation. Their history has been described because nobody would go up to a person and say I have just killed one of my guests and I would make sense if she told this to someone closer to her. She has a very bold approach, is not afraid to say what she thinks, she doesnt think before she acts. Her devotion is very strong for her son and is a very independent woman and has a sense of discipline. For example, she applied to him the same norms of discipline and She did not want anyone to be able to say she had brought him up badly. Riad suggests that she should start a guest house. He is like her saviour in a way. She seems to be a very forthright person, Girls brought their boyfriends for her approval. She isnt afraid to speak her mind and can be a very blunt person at times. When she says, In one of the back rooms. she shows no fear of being caught, she doesnt even lower her voice. Ines must have had a very strong stomach shown by the description of the murder. For example, his head hanging by a strip of ashen flesh. The conversation between Halabi and Ines shows Ines does not have much respect for the authorities, An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth, She seems to think along the terms that someone killed her son and she is going to kill the murderer. Riad always seems to be taking care of the situation, for example, calming the people to prevent them from tearing the perpetrator limb from limb. and I think Ines likes that quality in him. Ines had scrubbed the walls and furniture, It is just like a chore for Ines to do, something to keep her occupied while the body was being taken care of. Ines thought the murder wasnt particularly barbaric compared to the latest cockfights. Near the end you see a more soft side to Ines, you are the person I love you should have been the father of my son. She might think that all of this might not of happened if Riad was the father of her child. The community of Agua Santa seem to be like a cult. Riad had to prevent them tearing the perpetrator limb from limb. This shows they are behind Ines every step of the way, for example, All the inhabitants of Agua Santa had spent the day hauling mangoes, which they throw through the windows until the house was filled floor to ceiling. Ines is a very powerful figure in the town. She was higher than the doctor, the priest and the police. The community looked up to her. They turned the perpetrator house into an enormous beast in the process of putrefaction It gives the house a very grotesque form. Its like its had the life sucked out of it and has been turned into a ferocious beast. The people of Agua Santa seem to liven up once something started happening in their insignificant backwater town. The Lieutenant and his men even arrived so you might it was important but they accepted an invitation of the girls at the who were celebrating a birthday, they said it makes it seem deceiving. There were more people on the street than on All Saints Day, this shows that even a spark of activity can cause big difference the peoples attitudes and lift their spirits. they seemed to be practising a part in a movie its like the whole scene was surreal and this could not really be happening. The priest lighted up the lamps but no one was in the mood for that type of devotion. Everybody is so excited and that they dont concentrate on anything else, not even their religion, just on the news they heard. The body was stuffed in to a canvas sack, wrestled out into the street, unceremoniously thrown into a sack and put into the back of Riads truck. The body didnt seem to have been shown respect at all since it was the killer of Ines son. The house had further developed into a monstrosity and no one could get through the impenetrable jungle. When they got back to at midnight, they found no one had gone to bed. Everybody seemed to be so ecstatic and full of energy that the perpetrator was gone. Agua Santa returned to their usual chores exalted by a magnificent complicity, by a secret kept by good neighbours, the community know they can trust each other and work together in any situation. Both mothers know what they want and how to get it and both have a level of determination. Their love for their sons is a strong motive to their revenge and are ruthless in their ways of dealing with it. Both mothers dont show a lot of emotion throughout the stories until the very end because they finally know they have done what they needed to do. The endings of the stories are both effective because they are both short and straight to the point and they both end on a happy note and the mothers can live their lives since both of them get their revenge. The characters are firmly rooted in time and place. For example, I think Vendetta had a strong belief about family but not about the community while The Schoolteachers Guest was the opposite. The communities reacted to the killings in different ways. The people of Agua Santa supported Ines and were right behind her and resulted in violent behaviour by vandalising the perpetrators house whilst in Vendetta , the community thought nothing of it and just continued with their lives and took no interest. Ines waits and speculates for things to start up while Widow Saverini gets right on with the task of dealing with the problem. In all, the stories both symbolise revenge and on how the mothers deal with the same situation. By Rio Small 10K1 Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Miscellaneous section.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

A Comparison of Generational Conflicts in The Kiss and Marriage Is a Pr

Generational Conflicts in The Kiss and Marriage Is a Private Affair      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   As a family's lineage develops, there may be apparent differences in the way of thinking, attitude, and devotion to tradition between the generations. These differences or developments can either build up friction between generations, or in some cases ultimately heal the discord between other generations. Both Julia Alvarez's contemporary short story, "The Kiss," and Chinua Achebe's classic "Marriage Is a Private Affair" reveal the conflict that can erupt when one generation of a family diverges from its traditional or family values.   Both accounts display differences in the way of thinking of the conflicting parties and touch upon the aspect of healing their generation gap by offering some kind of appeasement.    There is the major theme portrayed in both stories. In each, there is a forbidden marriage that comes about as a result of children disagreeing with and hence rebelling against the traditional customs or values of their family. The major protagonist in each account coincidentally is the father who goes to great extents to estrange the rebellious offspring. Despite the fact that each story is written within a different era and culture, they both exhibit the dominant male figure as the family head, with very little or no input on what is right for the family from any other member. The paternal figures are strongly opinionated and do not waver from what they believe should be the proper behavior of their children, resulting in conflicts between Papi and Sofia, and Okeke and Nnaemeka.    Foreshadowing of the main conflict in "The Kiss" is evident when Papi cautions his daughters by exclaiming, "I do not want ... ...s in real life situations, the birth of a child or in this case grandchildren, brings about pacification to feelings of dissension. The celebration of a new life, therefore, is far more important than any scuffle that might have hindered previous marital relationships, and both Achebe and Alvarez have proved this with their own unique styles.       Works Cited    Achebe, Chinua. "Marriage Is s Private Affair." Literature. 5th ed. Ed. Robert  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   DiYanni. New York: McGraw-Hill Higher Education, 2002. 253-257. Alvarez, Julia. "The Kiss." Literature. 5th ed. Ed. Robert DiYanni .  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   New York: McGraw-Hill Higher Education, 2002. 488-495. Atwood, Margaret.   "Happy Endings."   Literature.   5th ed.   Ed Robert DiYanni.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   McGraw-Hill Higher Education, 2002.   496-499.               

Monday, November 11, 2019

Informative Speech About Africa

Africa’s economy consists of the trade, industry, agriculture, and human resources. It is a resource-rich continent along with about one billion people living in 54 different countries of Africa, many African people are suffering from poverty, and I would like to continue this with how it reflects their culture as a whole. The economy and what’s available to them determines how they live and their way of their culture because their economy being undeveloped makes them poor and they have to accommodate to the poor living conditions. For example, I know African moms breastfeed their kids way past the recommended six months in American culture because there is not enough food. My name is Tony and I am here to inform you about the economy in Africa, my three main points are:ResourcesInfrastructureThe China-FactorOne of three main points is resources, forming the basis of the economies of African countries. Africa is the next biggest continent, which means huge amount of resources. It consist of oil, diamonds, gold, and silver, copper, iron, and so forth. Also includes cocoa, peanuts, and etc. The mineral industry is an important source of export earnings for many African nations and continues to be a major driver of economic growth. Along with Cacao and peanuts, Africa produces three quarters of the world's cocoa beans and about one third of its peanuts. According to a 2012 article by bono, the resource curse theory applies to Africa because such affliction of raw material put Africa under heavy pressure and tension, leading to wars and slow development because Secondly, Infrastructure is the basic physical and organizational structures needed for the operation of a society or enterprise, or the services and facilities necessary for an economy to function, but Africa has not kept up with demand. Power outages in the region are common while poor roads and non-existent railway system in many countries are stifling trade. The need is great like electrical power and clean water, transport networks that can boost regional trade, schooling and primary health care for all. For example, according to a 2011 article by the Voice of America, Building roads are needed here to move goods and also to ports for exports. It is crucial to the economic growth as 90% of Africa is third world countries due to the failure of their infrastructure. Lastly the China factor, Infrastructure investment has, however, increased in recent years, largely because of debt relief that put more money in government’s pockets and assistance from the Chinese. Since the early 2000’s, China role in Africa increased significantly, both in terms of trade and investment. According to a 2006 article by the policy innovations, African elites argue that the Chinese generally treat them as equals. They point out that the Chinese are investing in areas like infrastructure, the key to Africa’s future, a sector that tends to be avoided by Western aid and investment. Africans appreciate this and also note the Chinese are careful where they invest. China is Africa’s biggest trading partner and as a major financer of infrastructure projects in Africa, China lends $20 billion to African governments for infrastructure and agriculture for the next three years. In conclusion, Africa is the world’s poorest inhabited continent. However, parts of the continent have made significant gains over the last few years. In recent years, African countries consist of the fastest growing economies in the world and continue to make progress since the ending of a 27-year civil war in 2002. The future for Africa looks bright, but there’s still a lot of work to be done. So moving aside from the economy, Anthony will be speaking of politics.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Effects of Overpopulation in China Essay

This literature review discusses the impacts of overpopulation on the environment in China through four main studies. Each study directed its research on one consequence: the water issue and the aquatic ecosystem, the overexploitation of land and resources as well as the extinction of green land, climate change, GHG emission and desertification of land1. Several methods and sources were used such as Pressure–State–Response (PSR), urban-rural population model or other research papers written previously2. The results of these studies clearly show that the overpopulation has multiple negative impacts on the Chinese environment and that strategies and policies regarding these issues should be established. The population of China is growing exponentially and it is a serious issue because of its impact on the environment. The water deficiency is growing and as it is presented, the expectations of the Chinese people exceed the capacity of the land3. Since the population of China is increasing fast, the urbanization of land and the agricultural development increase at the same rhythm4. As it is presented, human activity and human density are the main explanation for climate change5. According to Shijie Wang’s study, the southwest of China is experiencing a desertification, in other words the land becomes like a desert left with no resources6. Each article presents a different way of conducting its research to prove its point. In Qian Hong et al. research, the methods used to pursue the study are Pressure–State–Response (PSR), the landscape ecology method and Remote Sensing – Global Positioning System (RS-GPS) 7. According to the authors, there are three types of indicators: Pressure indicators, State indicators and Response indicators7. The indicators either presented a high or a low number. If the number is high, it means that the region suffered from important water degradation; if the number is low, it means the opposite7. The analysis of the research is made through a process called Analytical hierarchy process (AHP) that has four specific indicators7. Jianfa Shen’s study uses urban-rural population model to do predictions about the density of the population and is also represented as spatial demographic-economic model 8, whereas Shijie Wang conducted its research by investigating the studied region and by using indicators such as aerial photos and satellite images. He then compares and analyses the results with previous images and researches from the land 9. The only piece of work that did not use any kind of Research method was written by Hung Ming-Te et al. who preferred to write the paper in reference to researches and studies made and scientific predictions 10. One of the most important consequences of overpopulation is the expanding deficiency in water resources. Investigators processed in six districts of China which are part of one region (Jinan) that was recognized for its important source of water, aquatic ecosystem and surface. Due to industrial development and human actions the water condition became polluted and rarer 11. Researchers found that water deficiency and erosion, rainy climate, poor land vegetation, climate change, loss and decrease of agricultural production, which all lead to desertification of land, are all consequences of the activities of the overpopulation 12. Ming-Te et al.’s study presented that the GHG level increased rapidly and the national security is at risk. GHG growing production would also make the lack of water and air pollution worse than it actually is; also they stated that climate change, in addition to being caused by overpopulation, is influenced by poor sustainable development, poor resources management and over-use of energy. This study shows that such changes have impact such as poor water resource and low agricultural production. These consequences engender other concerns such as the lack of food, the decrease in water resources and the desertification of land 13. The conclusions are clear regarding this area, the exceeding use of natural resources is a threat for the environment’s protection and conservation 14. Hong et al. are from the same opinion when they wrote that water condition is getting worse and it affects China’s population’s lifestyle as well as the aquatic ecosystem 15. 10 Hung Ming-Te et al., 363-366 11 Qian Hong et al., 321 12 Shijie Wang et al., 127-129 13 Hung Ming-Te et al., 363-364 14 Jianfa Shen, 39 15 Qian Hong et al., 319 In the field of environment, every single factor is closely related to another one. Each of the four studies shows how the desertification of land, the migration, the exceeding use of resources and the poverty of population are linked. In Wang et al.’s research, poverty is shown to be one of the most devastating causes of desertification because farmers, in order to survive and feed their families, have to increase the production of grains. The overexploitation of the land then leads the land to become rocky 16. According to Shen’s study, agriculture is over-used and China has to import grains to meet the population’s needs 17. The deterioration of the environment and the growth of the land desertification are strongly correlated with the increasing population of this region as well as their activities 18. In reference to Wang et al., Shen and Ming-Te et al.’s studies, since the land is experiencing a phenomenon of desertification because of the exceeding use of agriculture and the high density of population in rural zones, populations are migrating to cities that have already exceeded their capacity in supporting people19. Basically, what Shen is trying to explain is that the construction of urban areas and the overexploitation of lands lead to a decreasing number of green land which causes the environment to deteriorate, because the more people there is, the more resources needed 20. The biggest problem China is facing is the lack of policing and measures adopted regarding the protection of the environment. According to Ming-Te et al., 16 Shijie Wang et al., 131 17 Jianfa Shen, 36 18 Shijie Wang et al., 124 19 Shijie Wang et al., 124-131; Jianfa Shen, 36-39; Hung Ming-Te et al., 363-364 20 Jianfa Shen, 35-36 China’s way of ‘fighting’ against climate change is to invest in the development of sustainable technologies as well as establishing measures and policies regarding the environment 21. Qian Hong et al. specified that the conservation and the protection of water are essential to the survival of the land and aquatic ecosystem 22. The researchers from the two other articles did not write about the policies that should be established to preserve the environment. Studies show that the impacts of overpopulation are multiple and they do affect the ecosystem in China. Shijie Wang et al.’s study proved that the land is overloaded with population growth and has met its capacity. This forced farmers to deforest the land of the Liupanshui district in order for them to increase agricultural production. Also, even though the environment is favorable in this region for such phenomenon to happen, restricted natural resources, overpopulation activities, rapid population growth and social instability make the process happen faster. The consequence of overpopulation’s production of sulfur dioxide in the atmosphere exceeds the national average for smelting sulfur by over 13.8 times in some regions such as Bijie and Zunyi which causes air pollution and desertification of land 23. The results of the study conducted in the region of Jinan by Qian Hong et al. clearly showed that this region has the best water condition because of its good conservation of environment, poor population density and important vegetation 24. Hung Ming-Te et al. proved that overpopulation, causing in many ways the change in climate would increase the frequency and strength of natural weather disasters 25. Jianfa Shen suggested that the exceeding use of natural resources due to the increasing density of population is a threat for the environment’s protection and conservation and that people’s lifestyle influences the environment negatively 26.   Bibliography Shen, J. â€Å"China’s Future Population and Development Challenges†. The Geographical Journal 164 no. 1 (1998): 32-40 Hung, M., et al. â€Å"China’s Response to Climate Change: A Policy Analysis.† Journal Of Alternative Perspectives In The Social Sciences 3 no. 2 (2011): 362-375. Wang, S., et al. â€Å"Mechanism of Rocky Desertification in the Karst Mountain Areas of Guizhou Province, Southwest China.† International Review For Environmental Strategies 3 no. 1 (2002): 123-135 Hong, Q., et al. â€Å"Regional aquatic ecological security assessment in Jinan, China†. Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management 13 no. 3 (2010): 319-327

Thursday, November 7, 2019

How To Attack Paired Passages in SAT Reading

How To Attack Paired Passages in SAT Reading SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Answering questions on multiple passages is a little different from answering questions on just one passage. Some of the same advice is still applicable, but there are strategies specific to multipassage questions as well. I’ll go over the different topics you might see covered in paired passages on the SAT as well as giving strategies for paired passage questions. feature image credit: Happy Furry Friday by Alan L, used under CC BY 2.0/Cropped from original. SAT Reading: A Quick Recap We have a detailed breakdown of SAT Reading in another article, but just in case you've forgotten: Reading is the first section of the SAT and consists of 52 questions on six passages to be answered in 65 minutes. The passages used on the SAT are always on varying subject areas and come in three varieties: single passages, passages with charts or tables that you also have to analyze, and paired passages or "comparing passages," which I will be discussing in this article. If you want more information about how to grapple with any or all of these passage varieties, read this article. Passage-based questions come in these seven basic flavors: Big Picture: Find the main point of a passage or paragraph, or from what perspective is this information being given. Little Picture/Detail: Find a specific detail in the text, with or without location information. Inference: Based on the information provided in the passage, infer information. Vocabulary in Context: Find how a word is used in the specified place (or choose a word that best encapsulates a description from the passage). Function: Explain how a phrase, sentence, or paragraph functions in a larger context (paragraph or passage). Author Technique: What is the tone or style of a passage (often asked to compare and contrast different authors’ techniques)? Find the Evidence: Which of these lines from the passage best supports your answer? Paired Passages On The SAT Out of the six passages on SAT Reading, two of them will be "paired" passages. These passages are usually 40-50 lines each and are followed by 10-12 questions. The first four to seven of these questions will be about the passages individually, while the last three to six questions will ask about both passages. Paired passages on SAT Reading often include introductory material with information about the genre, publication date, and sometimes even the general situation/topic of the text. Here's an example from a practice SAT: Questions 32-42 are based on the following passages.These passages are adapted from the Lincoln†Douglas debates. Passage 1 is from a statement by Stephen Douglas. Passage 2 is from a statement by Abraham Lincoln. Douglas and Lincoln engaged in a series of debates while competing for a US Senate seat in 1858. The introductory material above tells you about the type of passage (Passage 1 is from a statement by Douglas, Passage 2 is from a statement by Lincoln) and when the source of each passage was originally published/written (as well as when the Lincoln-Douglas Debates occurred). Like these Lincoln-Douglas passages, paired passages most frequently fall into the "U.S. Founding Documents and the Great Global Conversation" genre of SAT Reading passages. These passages are usually written pre-1900s and concern "issues and concerns central to informed citizenship" like the meaning of democracy, slavery, women's rights, civil rights and civil disobedience, and so on. The next most frequently covered subject area is science, with passages on topics such as extraterrestrial mining, organic farming, and the effect of the internet on the brain. Keep in mind, however, that while most paired passages in the past have been either science or Great Global Conversation passages, that doesn't mean that you might not come across a literary or social-science focused set of paired passages in the future. As far as the SAT is concerned, any topic could work as a set of paired passages. what lurks within by Sandy Schultz, used under CC BY 2.0. You never know what topics you'll find lurking in paired passages. Plan of Attack: All Paired Passages There is no one surefire strategy that will let you power through questions on paired passages, because part of it depends on how you approach the passage. Below, we've gathered our top three strategies for mastering paired passages; try out each to see which best works for you. Strategy 1: Start By Answering Questions on Individual Passages No matter how you approach the passage (thorough read first, questions first, or skimming and then questions), for paired passages, I highly, highly recommend answering the questions about each individual passage first before moving on to the multi-passage questions. Even if you're planning on guessing on questions that ask about multiple passages, it’s still worth it to take time to answer questions on individual passages. Each passage that appears as part of a set of paired passages is shorter and less complicated than the standalone long passages (since you're expected to compare passage to passage, not just focus in on one passage). Because of this, it's often easier to answer the individual passage questions- there are fewer words to read overall, and it's easier to find details. In addition, sometimes the questions the SAT asks about each individual passages will give you information that might be helpful when it comes to questions about both passages For instance, take a look at this question about an individual passage (of a set of paired passages): As used in line 32, "observed" most nearly means A) followed.B) scrutinized.C) contemplated.D) noticed. Now, here’s a question in the same section that asks about both passages: Based on the passages, Lincoln would most likely describe the behavior that Thoreau recommends in lines 64-66 ("if") as A) an excusable reaction to an intolerable situation.B) a rejection of the country's proper form of remedy.C) an honorable response to an unjust law.D) a misapplication of a core principle of the Constitution. Lines 64-66 read "if it is of such a nature that it requires you to be the agent of injustice to another, then, I say, break the law." If you’ve answered the first question, which involves going back the sentence that contains line 32 ("But I do mean to say, that, although bad laws, if they exist, should be repealed as soon as possible, still while they continue in force, for the sake of example, they should be religiously observed"), then you know that A) cannot be correct and that B) is likely correct. This doesn't necessarily give you the correct answer right away (you still have to eliminate answer choices C) and D) ), but it will save you time. A final point to keep in mind about answering questions about individual passages is that for paired passages, the two passages will agree on some things and disagree on others. Answering questions on the individual passages can help you suss out what the passages may agree or disagree on before you get to questions on both passages that ask you to do exactly that. Strategy 2: Find The Hardest Paired Passage Questions For You...And Drill Them This strategy is not unique to paired passage questions on the SAT- figuring out your weakness in any area and then focusing your time on practicing what is difficult for you will help you improve. For paired passages on SAT Reading, however, figuring out your higher level weaknesses is more difficult because it is not always clear which skill (or even combination of skills) is being tested by the question. To help out with your SAT Reading paired passage triage, I've compiled a list of the most common ways each question type might appear in the context of paired passages. Note: The questions below are all questions that ask you about multiple passages. While occasionally vocab-in-context questions will be asked after a series of longer paired passages, these questions are always in reference to either Passage 1 or Passage 2, not both; therefore, they are omitted below. Function Questions In non-paired passages, function questions ask what a phrase, sentence, or paragraph is accomplishing within the context of the whole passage. When they appear on paired passages, function questions often show up on individual passages but appear relatively infrequently with regards to both passages. Here are two ways I've seen function questions asked about multiple passages: â€Å"In lines 61-65, the author of Passage 2 refers to a statement made in Passage 1 in order to" "In the context of each passage as a whole, the question in lines 25-27 of Passage 1 and lines 67-69 of Passage 2 primarily function to help each speaker" Big Picture, Detail, and Inference Questions While these questions test different skills, they will often be asked in the same way. Here are a few examples (modified from actual SAT practice tests): "The main purpose of each passage is to" "Both authors would most likely agree that the changes in cats' status that they describe would be" "Based on the passages, both authors would agree with which of the following claims?" "Webber would most likely have reacted to lines 65-68 ("The musical...terrible") of Passage 2 with" OMG! by Andrea Schaffer, used under CC BY 2.0/Cropped from original. Alas, SAT answer choices are not in cat facial expression form. While the first of these questions is clearly a main point question, it’s a little more hazy with others. The second question could be any of the three types, depending on the context. If "the change in cats' status" was the main point of the passages, it would be a main point question. If "the change in cats' statuses" was just mentioned in passing as part of a larger picture, it would be a detail question. If the answer choices for that question asked you to take what was in the text and go a step beyond, the question would be an inference question. Here are some more clearly-worded examples of each type of question: Big Picture Questions "Which choice identifies a central tension between the two passages?" "Based on the passages, one commonality in the stances Lincoln and Thoreau take towards house cats is that" "Both passages discuss the issue of household cats in relationship to" Inference Questions "How would Eliot most likely respond to Webber's statement in lines 30-34, Passage 1 ("As the...yowl")?" "Stevens would most likely have reacted to lines 65-68 ("") of Passage 2 with" Detail Questions "On which of the following points would the authors of both passages most likely agree?" "Based on the passages, both authors would agree with which of the following claims?" Find the Evidence questions These questions show up in paired passages in much the same way as they do on single passages. Here are a couple of examples: "Which choice provides the best evidence for the answer to the previous question?"[previous question: "How would Eliot most likely respond to Webber's statement in lines 30-34, Passage 1 ("As the...yowl")?"] "Which choice provides the best evidence for the answer to the previous question?" [previous question: "Which choice best describes how Saintriver would most likely have reacted to Lai Wai's remarks in the final paragraph of Passage 2?"] Multi-skill questions Often, questions that ask about both passages will ask you to draw upon multiple skills. The most common examples of this are big picture/inference combo questions, which require you to figure out author perspective and then take one step beyond that. Examples: "The author of Passage 2 would most likely respond to the discussion of the future of household cats in lines 18-28, Passage 1, by claiming that such a future" "Saintriver in Passage 1 would most likely characterize the position taken by Lai Wai in lines 65-69 "Let...climb") as" "Which choice best describes the ways that the two authors conceive of the cat's proper position in the household?" It's also possible to have a combo of detail and find-the-evidence questions: "Which choice provides the best evidence that the author of Passage 2 would agree to some extent with the claim attributed to Hatshepsut in lines 41-43, Passage 1?" So what should you do to figure out which question type is most difficult for you? First, when going through practice tests (actual SAT practice tests, mind), be sure to circle the questions that you're unsure you've answered correctly. Next, compare the questions you've circled to the example questions in this article to figure out where your weaknesses lie. And finally, study our articles on specific SAT Reading question types to improve your skills in the areas that you struggle with. Strategy 3: Eliminate Answers This is somewhat related to the strategy of answering questions on individual passages first (because individual passage questions can help you out with the answers to questions on both passages). Questions that ask about both passages have to meet the same standard as questions about a single passage: there must be one unambiguously correct answer. What does this mean for multipassage questions? If part of an answer is wrong, then you can eliminate it completely. Here’s an example of a common multipassage inference question: [practice2q30correctB] Which choice best describes the relationship between the two passages? A) Passage 2 relates first-hand experiences that contrast with the clinical approach in Passage 1.B) Passage 2 critiques the conclusions drawn from the research discussed in Passage 1.C) Passage 2 takes a high-level view of a result that Passage 1 examines in depth.D) Passage 2 predicts the negative reactions that the findings discussed in Passage 1 might produce. Let’s say you’ve just finished answering questions about Passage 2 when you get to this question about both passages, so Passage 2 is pretty clear in your mind. You can start by eliminating the answers that are not true for Passage 2. In this case, you can immediately eliminate A), because Passage 2 does not relate first-hand experiences. (Since the passage is too long to include here, you either have to take my word for it or read the passage in the free practice test in which it appears here.) You can also start to lean towards B), because it is unambiguously true for Passage 2. Why? Passage 1 ends with the following sentence: "We’re exercising the neural circuits devoted to skimming and multitasking while ignoring those used for reading and thinking deeply." On the other hand, the second paragraph of Passage 2 begins with this sentence: "Experience does not revamp the basic information-processing capacities of the brain." As you can see from these sentences, Passage 2 certainly critiques at least one of the conclusions from Passage 1. To confirm it is the right answer, of course, you'd need to skim Passages 1 and 2 again to make sure that there aren't any other conclusions in Passage 1 (or if there are, that Passage 2 critiques them as well) and eliminate the last two answers. A common recommendation for eliminating answers is to cross out answers that are not contrasting (since oftentimes the SAT wants you to compare passages, and what’s the point in comparing passages that are the same?). In this example, eliminating answers that suggest the passages have similarities would cause you to eliminate C) and D), pointing you back to the correct answer, B). However, this "eliminate answers that don't suggest the passages differ" elimination approach should not be considered a hard and fast rule. Depending on the question, the correct answer choice may confirm the two passages agree on something. Therefore, for paired passage questions, we recommend that instead of trying to go with the general strategy of "eliminate answers that don't suggest the passages differ," you still go through the answer choices and eliminate them one by one. If You Must by Michael Coghlan, used under CC BY-SA 2.0/Cropped from original. You do not want this cat coming after you for accidentally eliminating the right answer. Strategies To Attack Paired Passage Questions: A Summary #1: Answer Single-Passage Questions First. Answering questions about individual passages will often give you clues to answer questions about both passages. #2: Find Your Weaknesses And Drill Them. Figure out which type of question you tend to get wrong and then focus on improving that skill. #3: Eliminate Answers. If part of an answer is wrong, then you can eliminate it entirely. What’s Next? Find out more about the overall structure and content of SAT Critical Reading in our guide to SAT Reading. Is there a "best way" to read the passage for SAT Reading questions? Learn different ways to approach SAT Reading passages here. Get detailed with your SAT prep by studying each skill SAT Critical Reading questions test, starting with big picture questions and words-in-context questions. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points? Check out our best-in-class online SAT prep program. We guarantee your money back if you don't improve your SAT score by 160 points or more. Our program is entirely online, and it customizes what you study to your strengths and weaknesses. If you liked this Reading lesson, you'll love our program.Along with more detailed lessons, you'll get thousands ofpractice problems organized by individual skills so you learn most effectively. We'll also give you a step-by-step program to follow so you'll never be confused about what to study next. Check out our 5-day free trial:

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Band Leadership Essay

Being a part of this band has in itself been a memorable experiance, an experiance i would not trade for the world. However this past year I lost hope in band and was actually really close to quitting band all together. I had forgotten why i was a part of marching band with the stress of my school work and frustration over my tiredness in cross country. But when we played at our lakeshore competition i felt something that i had never before felt in the band. I had walked of the feild with what felt like a runners high, only difference is that I had just marched in arguably the most epic performance i have ever been a part of. I have to thank that feeling i got at the end of the show for the reason i am applying for leadership, and that is something i do not think i could ever forget. When looking beyond the extra little something to set me apart on my colledge applications the only gains i can see from me being in leadership is personal. I know that i will benefit from this because it will help me refine my personality. Being in a leadership position of Captain in track and Craoss country has help make me more aware of how i can help others. I have also learned from my job about how to be more of a people person. Being a drill instructer will allow me to fine tune these developing qualitys to help improve me as a person for when i leave highschool and eneter the real world. This position of drill instructor will also allow me to gain the experiance as a leader. I know i have what it takes to be a great leader and i would like to improve thiswith the experiance being a drill instructor will allow me to do. To be honest i have applied for this position three times now and there is not much more i can say beyond this; I know i have what it takes to be one of the best options for the trumpet leadership. But I will take the time to highlight my three best traits i have to offer the leadership. First off i work hard, I tend to push myself to my limits and i benefit from it, I have shown this in my running as well as a majority of my schoolwork. This work effick i have will make me a good person for the rookies to look up to and learn from. The second trait that sets me apart is that i have become open-minded to other options. Yes, i am still a little stubborn but during this past year i have been able to listen to other options and even consider them to improve my ideas or even allow my ideas to be incoroerated. The last trait that will set me apart from the other applicants in my section is that i have the experiance they lack. I have been a captain in cross country and track since my sophmore year, I love my section most days but lets be real some days we can be difficult people to reason with, and this is where my experiance will help. My proir leadership experiance has allowed me to learn how to lead effectivally as well as recognize ineffective ways. I also view myself as being a fairly good marcher, and a marcher who is eager to pass my experiance to the next generation of marchers before i graduate. I hope that based on what i have told you about myself you can see that i do belong on your leadership group Even with such a short season, the marching band is able to accomplish alot. As a band we are able to make the crowds at parades go crazy for us, we can very effectivly liven up a football stadium, and we have even managed to make other bands tremble when we arrive at compitions. But one of the most important things that this band has to offer is to its member directly. The most influential side effects the band has is to develope three important things in its mebers that will impact us all. Those three things are pride, work effick, and a love for what you enjoy. It is those three things that can only be developed in sports and marching band. And with a band that presses 150 nearly every year, that is alot of individuals that will be able to be successfull after there highschool lives are over. The most important thing the band does is to develope the younger members of the community, this benefits both the individuals and all the people they will influence in there lives. Personally i have had no big issue with the drill instructors, except the few that let there significant others boss the entire underclassmen group around just because they were dating a drill instructor. But overall from the observer standpoint i have not has any standout moments of spetaculiar leadership nor complete distastor within my section, However if on leadership or not i do have ine suggestion: better communication acrose sections and less yo fix your section and i worry about mine. I have noticed that this has created disagreements over who marked off the spot correctly or not.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Tangible Property of Wal-Mart Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Tangible Property of Wal-Mart - Essay Example Similarly, the enactment of state and federal legislations that protected workers from workers exploitation led to a stronger employee’s awareness of their rights and duties. In the contemporary world, various governments have put in place adequate measures to ensure that employees are not under any form of discrimination. In cases of discrimination against color, region, nationality among others, strict measures should be taken on employers. Based on the emerging technology, it is significant for managers of small and large organisations to improve their security systems as a major way of protecting their tangible properties. This paper seeks to identify major employment relationships and their legal considerations, discrimination issues and their legal consideration as well as measures that a Wal-Mart manager should take to identify and protect the tangible property rights of his organisation. Employment relationships and associated the legal considerations One form of emplo yment relationship is permanent employment relationship. This refers to the arrangement whereby workers are compensated by their employers. In addition to the basic salaries, the employees are eligible to receive health care benefits, sick off and contribution to retirement plans among others. Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) is one of the legal consideration that established minimum wages and salaries for permanent employees (Burkhauser et al, 1989). In addition, the occupational Safety and Health Act is focused at promoting security within the work place. Private employment entails working arrangement whereby the employment relationship is between private employers and the workers. According to 1985 Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA), voluntary or involuntary termination of the employee’s duties should not deter him or her from continuing with his or her health insurance. Employees Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) is an additional regulation that se ek to prevent frauds within private pension funds. ERISA stipulates that the sponsoring employer cannot invest more than 10% of the pension’s funds in his or her securities. Discriminatory issues and the associated legal considerations One of the major types of employment discrimination is disparate-treatment. This is a situation whereby an employer discriminates a particular employee on the bases of his race, sex, religion or nationality. The second type of discrimination is the disparate-impact discrimination. This occurs when an employer discriminates against an entire protected class within the organization. For example, if a rule is set that all the sales executives should be 5.8 feet tall regardless of their gender, there is a possibility that more males will be hired as compared to females. This amounts to disparate-impact discrimination. Title 7 of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits employers from discriminating their employees on the basis of education, color and housing. Other aspects prohibited by the act include discrimination in hiring, promotion, payment of fringe benefits and job training Methods for managing legal risk arising from regulatory compliance issues